Week 2 Term 1 2025
St John's Primary School -6882 2677
School Vision Statement: To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light.
Phone: 6882 2677 or 6882 2653
Email: stjohnsprimarydubbo@bth.catholic.edu.au
Principal: Mr. Anthony O’Leary
School Manager/Priest: Father Greg Kennedy
P&F Meetings: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each term
Parents/guardians-Please note that photographs of students may be used in publication. Please advise the School Office if you do not approve of your child’s photo being used.
Dates to Remember
Monday 10th - Year 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Tuesday 11th February - P&F Meeting
Wednesday 12th February - Whole School Opening Mass 10am St Brigid's Church (all welcome)
School Office Communication
Beginning of Year Reminders
As we welcome many new families into our school community, it is timely to review some of the school procedures:
- School Start and finishing times - School begins promptly at 8:50am, Supervision for students begins at 8.20am. Please ensure children are not dropped off prior to 8.20am to ensure the safety of all students. The last bell of the day is at 3.00pm. Parents are asked to please collect children promptly after school unless they are catching a school bus.
- Morning Drop off - Morning drop off inside the school grounds (drop off /pick up area) is a no parking area and you must not leave your car unattended. If you intend to walk your child into the school grounds you must park off site.
- Afternoon pick up —The parking situation on Sheraton Road is often a problem. The afternoon pick up procedure is a time when patience is required. As cars enter the school grounds it is expected that the cars will move to stop along the posted ‘pick up’ zone. The teacher on duty will be located near the large orange bollards at the pick up shelter. This is the location from which the children are to be collected. Please do not call students over to you if you are parked on the curve area. Pick up signs should be placed on car dash so teachers can identify who is being picked up.
- Absent students—If your child is away due to an illness it is policy that a note of explanation is provided to the teacher on the next day of attendance this can be either in writing or via the Compass Parent Portal. The Federal Government has implemented new regulations in regards to extended periods of absences. If you are going on a holiday for example, and your child will be absent for 10 or more school days, it is a requirement that you complete an Exemption from school form request and have it processed via the school office.
- Up to Date Contact Information - Please ensure all of your contact information details are kept up to date. This includes telephone numbers, mobile phone, email addresses, emergency contacts and If you have a change of employment.
- Staff Car Park - Parents are asked not use the Staff Car Park in the morning or afternoon when dropping off or picking up.
- Change in Daily Arrangements—Parents are asked to please be aware that any change in your child’s arrangements (e.g. pick up or bus) notify the school office, where possible, before 2:00pm. If messages are received after this time, every effort will be made but no guarantee can be given that the message reaches your child by the end of the school day.
- Allergy Awareness—As many of you may be aware we have a number of students at St John’s who have significant food allergies/ conditions. As part of the ‘risk minimisation’ measures for the care of these children, we do not allow birthday cakes or any external food eg Lolly Pops or Ice Blocks.. This is consistent with the policies of many schools and child care centres .If you feel that you would like to acknowledge a birthday for your child at school, items to share must be pre ordered and purchased from the school canteen. We thank you for assisting the school in this matter to maximise the safety of our students.
- Chewing Gum—not allowed (except in conjunction with orthodontic work—in which case a letter of explanation is required).

News from the Principal - Mr O'Leary
Welcome to Week 2
What a fantastic start to the 2025 school year! It has been wonderful to see our students settling in so well, with plenty of smiles and a positive energy that fills our classrooms and playgrounds. Congratulations to all students and staff for such a smooth and enthusiastic beginning to the year.
Today, we were to kick off our first major school event—the Swimming Carnival! The day started off with a weather hiccup and unfortunately had to be cancelled. Parents will be notified by COMPASS once we have an update regarding this event.
Compass and communication. At SJP communication between all parties is an imperative part of school life. Compass provides information to all families about what is happening at school through our newsletters. Please ensure you have the COMPASS app installed on your phone and notifications turned on. Throughout the year the school has a number of events that are held off school grounds and in the event there are any changes during that event you will need to be contactable. If you have forgotten your login details or are having any trouble accessing COMPASS please call our office staff for assistance - 6882 2677.
Schools hours of supervision - I would kindly like to remind all families of the schools hours. Children must not be at school prior to supervision starting at 8.20am (unless arriving by bus). Children must be at school promptly by 8.45am to ensure they are ready to start morning lessons at 8.50am. Our afternoon lessons finish at 3.00pm. Parents picking up children are to wait under the cola area for afternoon pick up. School break times are 10.50am - 11.30am LUNCH and 1.30pm -2.00pm AFTERNOON Break. Children are to be signed in via the school office if arriving late or being collected during the day. If you need to collect your child during a break time please phone the school office with plenty of notice.
Students in Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 will be sitting NAPLAN between 12 and 24 March 2025.
NAPLAN assesses literacy and numeracy skills that students are already learning at school. On its own, NAPLAN is not a test that can be studied for, and students are not expected to do so. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process – it does not replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance.
Visit the parents and carers page on the NAP website and download a copy of the NAPLAN information brochure for parents and carers.
Why NAPLAN is conducted online:
- NAPLAN transitioned from a paper-based to an online assessment from 2018 to 2022.
- NAPLAN online provides a better assessment and more precise results.
- One of the main benefits of NAPLAN online is that it uses tailored (or adaptive) testing. This means that students receive questions better suited to their abilities, so they can show what they know and can do.
- Online testing allows ACARA to provide a wide range of accessibility options to support students with disability to access NAPLAN.
- Feedback from students is that they find the online test more engaging.
Safer Internet Day 2025 – Growing Up in a Digital World 🌍
Tuesday, February 11th marks Safer Internet Day, a global initiative to promote safer, more responsible, and respectful use of online technology. At St. John’s Primary School, we recognise the importance of guiding our K-6 students to be safe, kind, and responsible digital citizens.
Helping Our Youngest Learners Stay Safe Online
From an early age, children are using technology to learn, play, and connect. While the internet is a fantastic tool for education and creativity, it’s important that students understand how to navigate it safely.
Here are some key messages we are sharing with our students for Safer Internet Day:
🔹 Be Kind Online – Just like in the classroom or on the playground, words and actions matter. Encouraging kindness and respect online helps create a safe and positive digital environment.
🔹 Think Before You Click – K-6 students are learning to recognize safe websites, identify trusted sources, and avoid clicking on unknown links or pop-ups.
🔹 Keep Personal Information Private – Teaching children to never share personal details like their full name, address, or passwords helps protect them online.
🔹 Ask for Help – If something online makes a student feel uncomfortable or confused, we remind them to talk to a trusted adult—whether it’s a parent, teacher, or caregiver.
🔹 Balancing Screen Time – Healthy digital habits start young! Encouraging breaks, outdoor play, and family time away from screens is just as important as using technology for learning.
How Families Can Support Safe Online Habits
As parents and carers, you play a vital role in helping children navigate the digital world. Here are a few ways to support Safer Internet Day at home:
✔ Talk About Online Safety – Regular conversations about the internet can help children feel comfortable discussing their experiences and asking questions.
✔ Use Kid-Friendly Platforms – Ensure that young children are using age-appropriate apps, games, and websites with strong privacy settings.
✔ Set Screen Time Limits – Establish clear expectations for when and how technology is used at home, including device-free meal times and bedtime routines.
✔ Explore Together – Take an interest in what your child is watching, playing, or learning online. Being involved helps them make safer choices.
Our Commitment to Digital Safety
At St. John’s, we integrate digital safety education into our curriculum to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate technology responsibly. We encourage all families to join us in supporting Safer Internet Day by having open and ongoing discussions about internet safety at home.
For more information and great resources, visit [Insert Website – eSafety Commissioner or relevant site].
Let’s work together to create a safer, smarter, and kinder digital world for our children!
📢 Parent-Teacher Interviews – Week 9 📢
Parent-Teacher Interviews will be held in Week 9 of this term, from Monday, 31st March to Thursday, 3rd April. This is an important opportunity to discuss your child’s progress, review Term 1 assessments and behaviours, and set learning goals for the year ahead.
Bookings will be available via Compass, with allocated time slots to choose from. We encourage all families to take part in these discussions to support their child’s learning journey.
Further details on how to book your appointment will be shared closer to the date. If you have any questions, please contact the school office.
We look forward to partnering with you to support your child’s success in 2025!
As we begin the 2025 school year, we welcome all our students, families, and staff back to St. John’s Primary School. We pray for a year filled with learning, growth, and joy as we journey together in faith and community.
🙏 Opening Prayer – A Blessing for the New School Year
Loving God,
Thank You for the gift of this new school year.
Bless our students with curiosity and a love for learning.
Bless our teachers with wisdom and patience.
Bless our families with strength and guidance.
May our school be a place of kindness, respect, and faith,
where we grow together in knowledge and love.
Help us to walk in Your light each day,
serving others and sharing the gifts You have given us.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
📖 Gospel Reading – Matthew 5:16
"Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."
As we begin this new school year, we are reminded that each of us has been given gifts to share with others. Whether through kindness, generosity, or a willingness to learn, every student, parent, and staff member is called to let their light shine.
🕊 Reflection for Parents
The start of a new school year is a time of fresh beginnings and new opportunities. Just as Jesus encourages us to let our light shine, we pray that this year will be one where our children grow in confidence, faith, and friendship.
As parents, you play an essential role in your child’s learning and faith journey. Each morning, as you send your child off to school, know that they are surrounded by a caring and supportive community that values their unique gifts.
Let us take this time to reflect:
- How can we encourage our children to shine in their learning and friendships this year?
- How can we support our school community in making 2025 a year of growth, kindness, and faith?
- How can we, as families, reflect God’s love in our daily lives?
May this year be filled with joy, learning, and a deepening of faith for all.
Wishing you all a blessed and successful school year!
Mr O’Leary
Religion News -Mrs Clifford
Welcome to 2025! I would like to begin by welcoming all of our St. John’s Primary families, but particularly our new families to the 2025 school year. To our new Kindergarten families and those families with new students in higher grades, I hope you find your time at SJP very fulfilling and rewarding. I encourage both you and your child to make SJP a place where you can take every opportunity to build strong and healthy friendships within our school community, as well as being a place where your child will thrive in a happy and Christian environment.
Opening Mass: Our Opening School/Induction Mass will be this Wednesday 12th February at St. Brigid’s Church at 10am. This Mass will have a focus of welcoming everyone back for the 2025 school year while also inducting our Year 6 students who have a Captain's role (School, Sports, Music). All families are welcome to attend this Mass. Parents of Year 6 students who have a captain's role are asked that at least one family member is available to attend the Mass to pin your child’s badge on during the Induction Ceremony. If there are no family members available to attend, please let Mrs Swanson in the Office know so a staff member can assist in your place.
Student Leadership Ministry: This year our Executive Team are hopeful to experience a very productive year with our Year 6 students taking on leadership positions that will rotate through our four Student Ministry Groups. Students will be placed onto rosters each term that will provide leadership roles and responsibilities within the Christian, Social, Playground and Environmental Ministries. By rotating through the four Ministries, students will be given opportunities to shine in areas where they have skills and gifts, but also challenge themselves by moving outside their comfort zone in areas they do not have a natural affection for. Year 6 will receive their Ministry badges on Wednesday after the Opening Mass. Congratulations to our Year 6 cohort who we trust will serve our school community well.

School Chaplain: Once again this year, Fr Greg Kennedy will be working with us as our School Chaplain. He will preside over our Masses, visit our students and staff regularly and provide spiritual nourishment through class visits. We truly appreciate all that Fr Greg brings to our school community and look forward to seeing him regularly here at SJP throughout the year.
Save the Date: For our Year 2, 3 and 6 children who will be receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation later on this year please add one of the following dates to your diary.
All Sacraments for 2025 will be discussed at the Information Night for Parents to be held at one of the following times: Parent Information Meetings for Sacraments will be held: Sunday 23rd February at 10am, Tuesday 25th February at 6:15pm, Sunday 2nd March at 10am. All meetings will be held at St Brigid’s Church. Can I please stress the importance of your attendance at one of these meetings, as the details of all three sacraments will be given at these evenings.
How do I know if my child is receiving this sacrament? If your child is baptised Catholic, they are invited to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation in Year 2, First Holy Communion in Year 3 and Confirmation in Year 6. If you would like anymore details on the sacraments, please feel free to contact myself or Rosalie Hosking - Sacramental Coordinator at St. Brigid’s Church: sacraments.dubbo@cdob.org.au
MASS TIMES: St. Brigid’s Church: Saturday - 6:00pm, Sunday - 9:00am and Sunday- 6:00pm.
St. Laurence’s Church: Sunday -7:30am and Wednesday 9.30am
Take care Paula Clifford Religious Education Coordinator
School Fees - Mrs Lew
Welcome to our new families joining SJP this year and welcome back to our existing families.
The 2025 statements/invoices will be emailed to families 28 February 2025. On the statement will be Compass and BPAY details and also term payment amounts for those families wishing to pay their fees in Terms 1, 2 & 3.
For existing families that have an additional student join SJP this year you may need to adjust your payment plan accordingly. Please contact me to discuss your account.
For new families who wish to start a regular payment plan via Direct Debit, BPAY, Credit Card or Compass please contact me to discuss details and payment options.
Please note all fees on a payment plan are due by 30 November 2025.
If you wish to discuss your account please contact the Fees Office on 6884 8504 or email m.lew@bth.catholic.edu.au.
Kind Regards Maryann Lew Fees and Finance Administration
Library News - Mrs Whale

P & F News
SJP P & F will hold their AGM and Planning Meeting.
Where - SJP Staff Room When - Tuesday 11th February at 6.00pm Please RSVP for catering purposes to sjpdubbopandf@gmail.com or respond through the P & F Facebook page.
P & F Committee
Community News