Week 4 Term 1 2025
St John's Primary School -6882 2677
School Vision Statement: To change the world through our faith in Jesus who is our light.
Phone: 6882 2677 or 6882 2653
Email: stjohnsprimarydubbo@bth.catholic.edu.au
Principal: Mr. Anthony O’Leary
School Manager/Priest: Father Greg Kennedy
P&F Meetings: 2nd & 7th Tuesday each term
Parents/guardians-Please note that photographs of students may be used in publication. Please advise the School Office if you do not approve of your child’s photo being used.
Dates to Remember
Week 4
Tuesday 25th February - Northern Region Swimming - Gulgong
Wednesday 26th February - Parent Information Evening
- 5:00 PM – Years 1 & 2
- 5:15 PM – Years 3 & 4
- 5:30 PM – Years 5 & 6
- 5:45 PM – Kindergarten
Week 5
Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day)
Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday Mass - St Brigid's Church with St Pius - all welcome.
Principal's News - Mr. O'Leary
Dear Parents, Carers and Families
We are now well into Term 1, and it has been wonderful to see all classes buzzing with learning and engagement. Students are settling into their routines beautifully, and our Kindergarten students have been particularly impressive, confidently demonstrating their knowledge through their Best Start assessments. It is fantastic to witness their excitement for learning as they begin their primary school journey.
PUPIL FREE DAY - Monday, 3rd March will be a pupil-free day as our staff engage in a Professional Learning Day with renowned Mathematics expert, Anita Chin.
Professional development is a vital part of ensuring our teachers continue to enhance their skills and provide the best possible learning experiences for our students. This session will focus on deepening our approach to Mathematics teaching, equipping staff with innovative strategies to support student learning.
We greatly appreciate your support in allowing our staff this valuable opportunity to grow and develop as educators. We look forward to applying this learning in our classrooms to benefit all students.

As a Catholic school community, we keep Pope Francis in our thoughts and prayers as he continues to face health challenges. Pope Francis has been a guiding light of faith, humility, and compassion, reminding us of the importance of mercy, kindness, and care for one another.
Throughout his papacy, he has encouraged us to care for the most vulnerable, seek peace, and live with love and humility. In this time of uncertainty, we ask our community to join together in prayer for his strength and recovery.
A Prayer for Pope Francis:
"Loving God, we lift up Pope Francis in prayer. Grant him strength, comfort, and healing as he continues his mission of faith and service. May he feel Your presence and the love of the global Church surrounding him. Amen."
May we continue to follow his example of faith and kindness, keeping him in our prayers and hearts.

At St John’s Primary School, we know that every school day counts. Regular attendance is one of the most important factors in a child’s success at school, supporting their learning, social development, and overall wellbeing.
This year, attendance is a key focus for both our school and the Diocese, as we work towards a goal of at least 95% full attendance for all students. Research shows that students who attend school regularly and consistently are more likely to:
✅ Achieve strong academic progress
✅ Build positive friendships and confidence
✅ Develop good routines for lifelong learning
We understand that occasional absences due to illness or unforeseen circumstances are unavoidable, but we encourage all families to prioritise on-time, daily attendance whenever possible. Even missing one or two days per fortnight can add up over time, affecting student learning and engagement.
If your child is struggling with attendance or facing any barriers to coming to school, please reach out to us. We are here to support families in ensuring that every child can thrive in a positive and consistent learning environment.
Let’s work together to make regular attendance a priority and give every student the best opportunity to succeed!
📢 First Assembly for 2025
Today, Monday, marks our first assembly of the year, and our Year 6 leaders are excited to take on their leadership roles. We look forward to seeing them lead the school with confidence and pride as they guide us through the assembly.
📅 Parent Information Night – 26th February
We look forward to welcoming our parents and carers to our Parent Information Night this Wednesday. These sessions are a great opportunity to learn about classroom routines, curriculum focus areas, and key events for the year.
🕔 5:00 PM – Year 1/2
🕠 5:15 PM – Year 3/4
🕡 5:30 PM – Year 5/6
🕣 5:45 PM – Kindergarten
Why is Parent Engagement Important?
Parent involvement in their child’s education is proven to enhance student learning, confidence, and overall school success. Attending events like our Parent Information Night helps build strong partnerships between home and school, ensuring the best outcomes for our students. We encourage all parents to attend and stay actively engaged in their child’s learning journey.
📢 Urgent Call for P&F Committee Members
Following last week’s request for more parents and carers to join the P&F, we have only received two responses so far, which is not enough to form a committee.
The Parents & Friends (P&F) Association plays a vital role in supporting our school through fundraising, event coordination, and community building. Without an active P&F, we miss out on opportunities to strengthen our school and provide additional resources for students.
We strongly encourage any parents and carers who can spare some time to consider joining. Your involvement, big or small, will make a difference. Please contact the school office if you are interested.
🚗 School Zone & Traffic Safety Reminder
This week, we had a visit from the Dubbo Police regarding traffic conditions along Sheraton Road, particularly in the afternoon. We remind all families of the importance of following school zone rules to ensure the safety of our students and community.
✅ School Zone Speed Limit: 40km/h (during designated times)
🚫 Do Not Stop & Block Traffic: When waiting to turn into the school from Sheraton Road, please do not stop and hold up traffic. If the entry is full, continue driving and return when safe.
🚸 Use Designated Pick-Up & Drop-Off Areas: Please avoid stopping in unsafe areas or double-parking, as this creates dangerous conditions for students and drivers.
Your cooperation in following these safety measures helps keep everyone safe.

🏊♂️ Good Luck to Our Swimmers!
Best wishes to our SJP swim team competing in the Northern Region Swimming Carnival in Gulgong tomorrow (Tuesday, 27th February). We know you will represent our school with great sportsmanship and determination.
📚 Curriculum Focus – Spelling Mastery Program
We are excited to commence the Spelling Mastery program today. This research-based program provides a structured, sequential approach to spelling instruction, helping students develop confidence and accuracy in their written language skills.
✅ How It Works:
- Uses a direct instruction approach with step-by-step lessons.
- Groups students based on their skill level to ensure targeted support.
- Builds strong spelling foundations through consistent practice and reinforcement.
Spelling Mastery supports students in becoming confident, capable writers, which is essential for success across all learning areas.
NAPLAN – Years 3 & 5
Students in Years 3 and 5 will sit the 2025 NAPLAN assessments in Writing, Reading, Language Conventions, and Numeracy from Wednesday, 12 March to Monday, 24 March.
Assessment Format:
- Year 3 Writing will be completed using pencil and paper.
- All other assessments will be conducted online using iPads.
- Students will practise using the online platform to become familiar with the locked-down browser and digital test environment.
If a student is absent on the scheduled assessment day, catch-up sessions will be available until Monday, 24 March.
Our Year 3 and 5 teachers will support students by explaining the NAPLAN process, particularly to Year 3 students who will be sitting the assessments for the first time.
NAPLAN Information Sheet
Attached is a NAPLAN information sheet outlining:
📌 Why students sit NAPLAN
📌 What children do in NAPLAN
📌 What NAPLAN assesses
📌 Participation and exemptions
📌 How parents can support their child
If you have any questions or concerns about NAPLAN or your child's participation, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

🙏 St John’s ‘Meet 4 Mass’ – Sunday, 9th March
Our first ‘Meet 4 Mass’ for the year is coming up on Sunday, 9th March. This is a wonderful opportunity for our school and parish community to come together in faith.
🎶 The school choir will be singing
📖 Students will be involved in various parts of the Mass
🤝 Everyone in our school community is warmly invited
We encourage all families to attend and celebrate this special time of prayer and togetherness.
📖 Gospel Reflection – Sunday, 23rd February
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10 – The Transfiguration of Jesus
"This is my Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!"
In this week’s Gospel, we reflect on the Transfiguration of Jesus, where Peter, James, and John witness His divine glory on the mountain. This powerful moment reminds us of God’s presence in our lives and the importance of listening to His word. Just as the disciples were called to trust and follow Jesus, we too are invited to open our hearts and grow in faith.
May this message inspire us to seek God’s light in our daily lives and to support one another with love, kindness, and understanding.
Wishing You a Wonderful Week! Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community. We look forward to seeing many of you at our Parent Information Night and Meet 4 Mass.
God Bless
Anthony O’Leary
Religion News - Mrs. Clifford
Sacramental Meetings for Parents: Just a reminder for the parents of our Year 2, 3, 6 Catholic students, sacramental meetings have begun. If you were unable to attend yesterday’s meeting, two more meetings will be offered this week. All Sacraments for 2025 will be discussed at the meetings to be held at one of the following times: Tuesday 25th February at 6:30pm, (please note a slight change to the time) and Sunday 2nd March at 10am. All meetings will be held at St Brigid’s Church. Can I please stress the importance of your attendance at one of these meetings, as the details of all three sacraments will be given at these evenings. If you would like anymore details on the sacraments, please feel free to contact myself or Rosalie Hosking - Sacramental Coordinator at St. Brigid’s Church: sacraments.dubbo@cdob.org.au

Please save the following dates:
Ash Wednesday: This year, Ash Wednesday falls on Wednesday 5th March. All students will attend Mass with St. Pius X Primary School and parishioners from St. Brigid’s parish at St. Brigid’s Church. At the Mass, students will receive ashes on their foreheads. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent - a very important time in the Liturgical Calendar. Parents are more than welcome to attend the Mass which will begin at 10am.
Meeting 4 Mass: 9th March: Meeting 4 Mass is an initiative that began several years ago and involves teachers inviting their students' families to attend Mass with the grade for the Sunday morning 9am Parish Mass at St. Brigid's Church. The '4' represents the children, parents, parish and teachers who all come together as a Catholic community to celebrate.
This year, Meeting 4 Mass will continue to be offered in the following format each term: SJP will coordinate the entire Mass including, music, choir, readers, offertory helpers, altar servers etc. Our first Meeting 4 Mass date is Sunday 9th March. It is our goal this year, that our students can continue to be involved in the Mass if they are happy to. On the invite your child receives from their class teacher, there is an opportunity for parents to select from one of the following:
❐My child is interested in carrying the gifts during the Offertory Procession. (Years K-3 students only)
❐My child is interested in reading a prayer of the faithful (Years 4-6 students only)
❐My child is interested in singing with the Choir (all students encouraged)
If your child is interested in being involved, please return your invite asap. Numbers will need to be finalised by Monday 3rd March.
If you did not receive the invitation, please find a copy on the following page of this newsletter.
We trust that Meeting 4 Mass invitations are well-received by parents, and look forward to seeing many of you join our teaching staff at Sunday morning Mass this term.
MASS TIMES: St. Brigid’s Church: Saturday - 6:00pm, Sunday - 9:00am and Sunday- 6:00pm.
St. Laurence’s Church: Sunday -7:30am and Wednesday 9.30am
Enjoy your week. Paula Clifford Religious Education Coordinator

St. Patrick’s Day is on 17 March. St. Patrick’s Day celebrates the real Saint Patrick who lived in Ireland spreading Christianity. The Irish have played an important role in Australia, particularly the early nuns and priests that arrived to spread the Catholic faith and provide opportunities for the poor and marginalised.
It is because of the hard work of those early Irish missionaries that the foundation for our current Catholic education system was laid down so firmly so many years ago and continued to survive through the history of Australia.
“Wearing of the Green”
The children are invited to wear green for the day!
Please be mindful of wearing sun safe and appropriate clothes on the day.
We will celebrate with a Liturgy @10:20, and all parents, family and friends are warmly invited.
Wellbeing News - Mrs. Kenny
SPB4L (School-wide Positive Behaviour for Learning) is a whole-school initiative that actively encourages positive behaviour. It provides students with the opportunity to understand the expectations, take responsibility for their actions, and collaborate as part of the wider school community.
The focus for this fortnight’s SPB4L is 'demonstrating safe and respectful behaviours in Area 1'. During our recent assembly, we discussed how these behaviours can be embodied across the school. Key examples include:
- Listening attentively to the teacher when they are using the microphone, by stopping what we are doing and giving our full attention.
- Respecting the playground environment by disposing of rubbish in the bins.
- Walking on the paths and engaging in safe games.
- Speaking kindly to one another and responding to teachers with respect
Library News - Mrs. Whale

School Fees - Mrs Lew
Welcome to our new families joining SJP this year and welcome back to our existing families.
The 2025 statements/invoices will be emailed to families 28 February 2025. On the statement will be Compass and BPAY details and also term payment amounts for those families wishing to pay their fees in Terms 1, 2 & 3.
For existing families that have an additional student join SJP this year you may need to adjust your payment plan accordingly. Please contact me to discuss your account.
For new families who wish to start a regular payment plan via Direct Debit, BPAY, Credit Card or Compass please contact me to discuss details and payment options.
Please note all fees on a payment plan are due by 30 November 2025.
If you wish to discuss your account please contact the Fees Office on 6884 8505 or email m.lew@bth.catholic.edu.au.
Kind Regards
Maryann Lew
Fees and Finance Administration
Community News