Leadership and Staff

We have a dedicated and talented staff that is always striving to promote and nurture quality teaching and learning. The Catholic commitment to love, justice and equality implores us to ensure that all in our community feel they are valued and successful.​

2024 Staff:

  • Principal – Mr. Anthony O’Leary
  • Assistant Principal – Mr. Adam Foley
  • Religious Education Coordinator – Mrs. Paula Clifford
  • Primary Coordinators – Miss Paigan Anderson and Mrs. Mylecharane
  • Kinder Team – Mrs. McFetridge and Mrs Kenny
  • Year 1 Team – Miss. Anderson/ Mrs. Pugh and Mrs. Wright/Mrs. Carney
  • Year 2 Team – Mrs. Stanford and Mrs. Peters
  • Year 3 Team – Mrs. Single/ Mrs. Pugh and Mrs Emery
  • Year 4 Team – Mrs Mylecharane and Mr. McIntosh
  • Year 5 Team – Miss. McIntosh and Mrs. Lees
  • Year 6 Team – Miss Veech, Mrs. Clifford/Mrs Jones 
  • EALD – Mrs. Dunbar and Mrs Christiansen
  • Support Teachers – Mr Foley/Mrs Jones
  • CAPA – Mrs. King
  • STEAM – Mrs. Jones
  • Library – Mrs. Whale
  • Aboriginal Education Worker – Mr. Fernando and Mrs Green
  • Office Administration Manager: Mrs Swanson
  • Fees and Finance: Mrs. Lew
  • Cleaning and Grounds: Mrs. Iverach and Mr. Bradford
  • Student Support Aides: Mrs. Montague, Mrs. Campbell, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Bonnington, Mrs. Honeysett, Mrs. Hawkins, Mrs. Lakhani, Miss Isbester, Mrs. Peiris and Miss Rousell.


The ongoing Professional Learning of each staff member is highly valued. Professional learning can take many forms including whole school staff days, subject specific professional learning, meetings and conferences, and a range of programs provided by CEDB. The School takes responsibility for planning, implementing, evaluating and tracking staff professional learning. Individual staff members take responsibility for their ongoing professional learning. All teachers have been involved in professional learning opportunities during the year related to improving student outcomes. The following information provides specific details relating to the focus of three of these professional learning days.